- Trani - Piazza Sacra Regia Udienza

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Check out the latest Puglia news and website updates
January 2025 GOOD NEWS! DIRECT PARIS-TURIN-MILAN TRAIN SERVICES REOPEN ON 31 MARCH 2025. The line which has been closed for 18 months due to a landslide will reopen at the end of March. Three French trains and two Italian trains will run each way as previously. This is excellent news. See our detailed information on getting between Puglia and the UK by train here.
January 2025 CARNEVALE! Like most places in Italy, the towns of Puglia all have a party to celebrate Carnevale (Shrove Tuesday in the UK). This year Carnevale is quite late, 13 March, so maybe warmer than usual. Ostuni has processions, masks, concerts, events for children etc. However, the big one in Puglia is at Putignano, where they have a series of carnevale events stretching from the day after Christmas until the big day itself. Always well worth a visit.
Why not make 2025 the year when you visit (or revisit) Puglia. There are now significantly more direct flight connections than in previous years. For details click here. Puglia is easier to reach than ever before. Our charges for a stay at Trullo Annunziata are kept the same as they have been in 2024. We have received several reservations but some weeks are still available, especially in the off peak April/May/June and September/October periods. Save money by booking directly with us. Check out availability via [email protected]
April 2024 We have added more information on several towns in Puglia recently. Check out details on Bari, Brindisi, Bitonto, Manduria, Lecce, Copertino, Monopoli, Mesagne, Oria especially. Our comprehensive guides to towns and places of interest all over Puglia aims to be the most detailed and comprehensive guide in the English language.